10 days workshop at Spode factory in Stoke-on-Trent; a former pocelain factory that shut down in 2009. The workshop was part of the artistic research project called Topographies of the Obsolete, organized by Bergen Academy of Art and Design.
Collaborative experiment with Yeong Bin who studies in Kiel.
About testing out the space and its physical limits.
About our capacity to construct and collaborate.
Working with different sets of rules on communication and methods for how to construct.
Time limitation.
Performative experiment with a found throwing wheel.
The act of throwing. About the action itself.
For four days I was throwing cup-like shapes and throwing them to the ground.
Circles of creation and destruction.
When the factory shut down in 2009 many people lost their jobs. People who had developed incredible skills throughout generations were forced to find a job elsewhere.