tirsdag den 18. december 2012

Movement to the Sound of Inaudible Music

Performance in Galleri Bokboden, student gallery in Bergen.
In collaboration with Asa Shimada.
Dancing in an empty room.
Two speakers were placed outside of the gallery.
The sound was the sound of our movement and breath. 
The performance lasted two hours and stood for two days.

Sound of Inaudible Music

Sound of inaudible music from Sofie Knudsen Jansson on Vimeo.

tirsdag den 11. december 2012

Please come in...

Please come in
Look carefully

Sit down

The framed photographies are stills from the project "This is not a dream"

Sound installation.
Improvised abstract sounds from a sound performance workshop held by artist Fast Foward (See and listen to the video documentation !).
(At the end of the workshop we were located in a room for 5 hours.
We brought along objects and instruments and for 5 hours we were making sounds with whatever we could find and think of.
The recordings are quite interesting and very "uncontrolled")

The sound was a curious contrast to the homely, intimate atmosphere.

onsdag den 5. december 2012

This is not a dream

Every morning I walked past this place.
I kept wonder what it was.
It's kind of in the middle of nowhere.
It's not a bus stop.
Maybe just a place for people to wait?