søndag den 8. december 2013

Workshop in Kabelvåg, Lofoten, Norway

Collaboration with Elisabeth Færøy Lund og Eleanor Clare.
The workshop was a preperation to the conference A Voice and Something Else which took place in Aberystwyth, Wales, in January 2014.
We spend the week doing different exercises with the intention to get a better understandment of the voice.
Some of the key words have been communication and language; also how to translate from one form of expression to another. One of the days we spend in silence in order to feel how it is to be voiceless and I found that it is both releiving and frustrating. We tested out many ways of commucating through movement, sound and listening.
The amazing nature in the surrounding area gave a great energy to the workshop.     

I found that the verbal language is a way of processing everything one does and thinks. This way one could say that we create a distance to what we experience. The verbal language is a way of rationalizing, understanding and explaining.

lørdag den 7. september 2013

In and Out of Tune

A durational performance at PAB Open (performance festival arranged by Performance Art Bergen) in an old prison in Bergen. In collaboration with Elisabeth Færøy Lund and Eleanor Clare.
Three individuals in three cells are shifting between internal and external focus. They are tuning into their surroundings by practicing attentive listening and intuitive vocal response.
The audience is invited to ring the bell, which will bring the three individuals into tune.

Once a day they will come together to share a meal and will at this time only focus on the action of communal eating.

One of the cells.

The bell.

The meal.

onsdag den 15. maj 2013


Unplace from Sofie Knudsen Jansson on Vimeo.

This performance was part of my exam project and took place at our degree show at Usf Verftet in Bergen. A series of different actions were repeated for two hours. 

Unplace from Sofie Knudsen Jansson on Vimeo.
Video shown in monitor.

torsdag den 14. marts 2013

Topographies of the Obsolete

In Process. Second workshop at Spode factory, March 2013

In Process from Sofie Knudsen Jansson on Vimeo.

Performance on the opening of the show ´The Site is the Question´ at Airspace Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent. Part of the artistic research project called Topographies of the Obsolete, organized by Bergen Academy of Art and Design.

Exploring movement and repetition. 

Experiment at the factory: One day of stamping papers  (approximately 7 hours).